Need For Speed :: San Andreas

Full Version: Crew members online status
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I have a suggestion/idea of adding another list to the Tab/online status screen. It could be called 'Crew members' or something similiar, maybe even simpler just 'Crew'.
It would list your crew members who are online, just like the players list, but so you could see who in your crew is online. It would save time searching for someone.  Blush
You can check who's online. Go Garage -> Crew -> Members and click an arrow in the right top corner of crew window.
I'll admit I didn't know that but I think seeing it from Tab would be easier/faster. But this works too Smile
Sure, it's would be nice
Just like we have the Progress bar on Garage and on F10 Key
we could have Crew Menu acessible from a hotkey aswell, I think it would be nice, would actually make people read crew stuff on description etc..
+1, I feel like we need this.
The process to go back to garage, then crew, and management just takes wayyy too long
I'm glad people have the same thoughts.
I agree with MisterJohnson, a hotkey would be a nice edition aswell.