Need For Speed :: San Andreas

Full Version: #TeamEscapeOnNFSSA
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(20-06-2017, 20:33)MatthewChow Wrote: [ -> ]#TeamEscapeOnNFSSA
Although I think they're not gonna do it.
But, maybe nostalgia will take care of hyping up everyone. Here's a few of my past experiences.

The fuck is that Avril Lavigne Music at the start? xDD
(10-05-2017, 17:30)deadboy Wrote: [ -> ]Declined / not possible:
- Elimination races with cops
- Co-op Pursuits

deadboy Wrote: [ -> ]Co-op Pursuits were suggested already a few times.

(28-02-2017, 08:36)bartekPL Wrote: [ -> ]Not possible technically to do it.
It's hard to explain but there are huge proper synchronization problems (and low performance which comes with it) which make it almost impossible to make multiplayer police pursuits with AI.

"Is there no way to script it?"

(28-02-2017, 16:40)bartekPL Wrote: [ -> ]It is but it's too complicated and totally not worthful of work. Moreover, results wouldn't be as we can except - lags, latency and generally low performance.

Please don't post this kind of suggestion again.

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